SitePoint How to Debug Python Errors This article was originally published on Sentry . Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible. One of Sentry’s more powerful features comes with languages like Python. In Python, PHP, and the JVM, we’re able to introspect more deeply into the runtime and give you additional data about each frame in your call stack. At a high level, this lets you know things like calling arguments to your functions, allowing you to more easily reproduce and understand an error. Let’s dive into what this looks like, and how it works under the hood. We’ll start with what a Python error might typically look like in your terminal, or in a standard logging system: TypeError: expected string or buffer File "sentry/", line 309, in process_single_stacktrace processable_frame, processing_task) File "sentry/lang/native/", line 196, in process_frame in_app = (in_app and not self.sym.is_in...