
Showing posts from December, 2019

How to Quickly and Easily Remove a Background in Photoshop

This article on how to remove a background in Photoshop remains one of our most popular posts and was updated in 2019 for Adobe Photoshop 2020. Photoshop offers many different techniques for removing a background from an image. For simple backgrounds, using the standard magic wand tool to select and delete the background may well be more than adequate. For more complicated backgrounds, you might use the Background Eraser tool. The Background Eraser Tool The Background Eraser tool samples the color at the center of the brush and then deletes pixels of a similar color as you "paint". The tool isn’t too difficult to get the hang of. Let me show you how it works. Remove a Background, Step 1: Open your Image Start by grabbing an image that you want to remove the background from. I'll be using the image below, as it features areas that range from easy removal through to more challenging spots. I snagged this one for free from Unsplash . Now let's open it in Photoshop...

5 Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job

"Jerry wouldn't let me go to the emergency room." Jenny010137 recounted her story on Reddit. She had a major health crisis, but Jerry, her boss, wasn't buying it. Jerry wouldn't let me go to the emergency room after the heavy vaginal bleeding I had been experiencing suddenly got way worse. I went over his head and got permission to go. I called my mom, told her to meet me in the ER. The ER nurse said he'd never seen so much blood. An ER nurse said this. It's determined I need a couple of blood transfusions and will be admitted. Jenny's mom calls Jerry on her behalf. My mom calls Jerry, who then proceeds to tell her that it's just stress, and I NEED TO GET BACK TO WORK. At this point, I couldn't even lift my own head up, but sure, I can take a bus across town and go back to work. Doctors told Jenny they found a large growth that needed a biopsy. They found a large growth that needed a biopsy. Jerry kept insisting that it couldn't...

The Evolution of JavaScript Tooling: A Modern Developer’s Guide

This article was created in partnership with Sencha . Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible. JavaScript application source code has traditionally been hard to understand, due to code being spread across JavaScript, HTML, and CSS files, as well as events and data flowing through a number of non intuitive paths. Like all software, the JavaScript development environment includes bundlers, package managers, version control systems, and test tools. Each of these requires some learning curve. Inconsistencies and incompatibilities between browsers have historically required various tweaks and special cases to be sprinkled around the code, and very often fixing a bug in one browser breaks something on another browser. As a result, development teams struggle to create and maintain high quality, large-scale applications while the demand for what they do soars, especially at the enterprise-application level where business impact has replaced “How many lines of code h...

Understanding and Using rem Units in CSS

CSS units have been the subject of several articles here on SitePoint (such as A Look at Length Units in CSS , The New CSS3 Relative Font Sizing Units , and The Power of em Units in CSS ). In this article, we increase the count by having an in-depth look at rem units , which have excellent browser support and a polyfill if you need support for old IE. This article was updated in December, 2019 to reflect the current state of rem unit sizing with CSS. For more on CSS font and text properties, read our book, CSS Master, 2nd Edition . What Are rem Units? You might have encountered the term “R.E.M.” before while listening to the radio or your music player. Unlike their musical counterparts, named for the “Rapid Eye Movement” during deep sleep, in CSS rem stands for “root em”. They won’t make you lose your religion nor believe in a man on the moon. What they can do is help you achieve a harmonious and balanced design. According to the W3C spec the definition for one rem unit is: Equ...

How We Can Solve the Cryptocurrency Energy Usage Problem

Bitcoin is still the most important cryptocurrency people know about, and it serves as the entry point of the crypto space. However, every innovative project has to pay its price. For Bitcoin, it is its high carbon footprint created by mining. Bitcoin mining works by solving cryptographic puzzles, also referred to Proof of Work (PoW). The miner that’s first to find the solution receives a Bitcoin reward. However, this race towards finding the solution comes with high energy usage, as it’s a resource-intensive process requiring a lot of electricity. Currently, Bitcoin mining uses 58.93 TWh per year . An online tool by the University of Cambridge showed that Bitcoin uses as much energy as the whole of Switzerland. More important is the carbon footprint of Bitcoin. The electricity generated for powering the Bitcoin network equals 22 megatons of CO2 on a yearly basis . You can compare this carbon footprint with the footprint of a city like Kansas City (US). This article will cover the ...

The Real Future of Remote Work is Asynchronous

I’ve been working remotely for over a decade – well before the days of tools like Slack or Zoom. In some ways, it was easier back then: you worked from wherever you were and had the space to manage your workload however you wanted. If you desired to go hardcore creative mode at night, sleep in, then leisurely read fiction over brunch, you could. Now, in the age of the “green dot” or “ presence prison ,” as Jason Fried calls it, working remotely can be more suffocating than in-person work. The freedom that we worked hard to create — escaping the 9-to-5 — has now turned into constant monitoring, with the expectation that we are on, accessible, productive, and communicative 24/7. I see this in job positions for remote roles. Companies frequently champion remote, proudly advertising their flexible cultures to only then list that candidates must be based within 60 minutes of Pacific Time Zone, that the hours are set, and standup is at 8:30am daily. One of the benefits of remote work is th...

7 Ways Developers Can Contribute to Climate Action

Whether you’ve just started out as a software engineer or you’ve been at it for decades, you too can play a role in helping to positively impact climate. When people first consider this, they tend to think about the impact writing efficient code will have. Of course, you should always write efficient, elegant code. But unless the code you’re creating is going to be used by millions of people, it may not be where you can have the biggest impact from a climate perspective. (Code being used by millions or billions of people is probably highly optimized anyway!) In this article, we'll look at seven other ways you can help. Choose Where You Spend Your Career Being an engineer means you have one of the most sought after, transferable occupations on the planet. In virtually any city in the world, you'll be in demand and probably well paid, so you have plenty of options. Choosing to work in a place that's at the intersection of your cares and your code is one of the easiest way...

10 Zsh Tips & Tricks: Configuration, Customization & Usage

As web developers, the command line is becoming an ever more important part of our workflow. We use it to install packages from npm, to test API endpoints, to push commits to GitHub, and lots more besides. My shell of choice is zsh . It is a highly customizable Unix shell, that packs some very powerful features such as killer tab completion, clever history, remote file expansion, and much more . In this article I'll show you how to install zsh, then offer ten tips and tricks to make you more productive when working with it. This is a beginner-level guide which can be followed by anybody (even Windows users, thanks to Windows Subsystem for Linux). However, in light of Apple's announcement that zsh is now the standard shell on macOS Catalina , mac users might find it especially helpful. Lets get started. Installation I don't want to offer in-depth installation instructions for each operating system, rather some general guidelines instead. If you get stuck installing zs...

Building a Habit Tracker with Prisma, Chakra UI, and React

In June 2019, Prisma 2 Preview was released. Prisma 1 changed the way we interact with databases. We could access databases through plain JavaScript methods and objects without having to write the query in the database language itself. Prisma 1 acted as an abstraction in front of the database so it was easier to make CRUD (create, read, update and delete) applications . Prisma 1 architecture looked like this: Notice that there’s an additional Prisma server required for the back end to access the database. The latest version doesn’t require an additional server. It's called The Prisma Framework (formerly known as Prisma 2) which is a complete rewrite of Prisma. The original Prisma was written in Scala, so it had to be run through JVM and needed an additional server to run. It also had memory issues. The Prisma Framework is written in Rust so the memory footprint is low. Also, the additional server required while using Prisma 1 is now bundled with the back end, so you can use it...